Here I am.
My name is Liz. I am originally from Nashville, Tennessee. I was 18 the first time I came to Rome. No other single event has changed the course of my life the way that trip did.
I first lived in Rome from 2001-2005, then I went back to the States for awhile and practiced law. I’ve been back in Rome since 2012, where I still practice law, with a different view out the window. Before I had my son, I had a lot of fun writing this blog as as well as travel articles for other publications, and writing and performing stand-up comedy – but now I can’t bear to be at my desk any longer than absolutely necessary. So I hope you like the archives! I still post a lot on my public Facebook page (link below) with a focus on all that’s majestic and silly about living and traveling in Italy and beyond.
Please write me if you would like suggestions for places to go, things to eat, or things to do in Rome and the rest of Italy. Or, write me if you have your own! Leave me a comment in one of my posts, or write me at liz@lizinrome.com.
If you like silliness or Italy or both, or miss my Random English posts, consider liking my Facebook page for daily news, pics, and funnies. You can also follow me on Instagram and Twitter. And why not get this blog in your email? Use the handy link below.