And this is the most personal blog post I’ll ever write. A few months ago, I went to Selva Val Gardena. I’ve been putting off writing about it ever since. The air was crisp and clean, and cold but not intolerable under good American winter gear. I napped to the sound of skiers swishing by my hotel window in the afternoons, and I ate loads of northern Italian food and drank goblets of hot chocolate. Additionally, I was walking on six feet of air, because I was with the man I’d been dating since practically the first day I arrived in Italy, and who had also been my friend for twelve years. Also present were some of his family members including a baby who I wanted to play with and smell, constantly. Β The four (five including the baby) of us laughed, consumed much food and beverage, hiked around in snow boots, and told stories. The fellow and I held hands and the baby and talked about the future.
And then we returned to his place at the end of the weekend and I asked if I could use his computer to send some work emails and he let me, and in an instant I discovered he was living a double triple quadruple quintuple life.
So, friends, Selva Val Gardena is a little poisoned for me, but it shouldn’t be for you. If you’re a skier or like your Italian food on the goulashy side, add Selva to your list of places to visit. Hopefully it will be a better weekend for you than it was for me.
I intend to write about everything I discover in Italy. That particular weekend I discovered Selva Val Gardena, and also something else a little more surprising. I am, in fact, very happy to have discovered both.
Oh, one more thing: he’s very, very concerned with what his friends will think if they find out, so he asked me not to say anything on Facebook, and I can only assume that request extends to this blog (although none of his friends reads it). So I will respect these wishes So I guess everyone will have to wait for the Rome If You Want To book.

Get here from Milan, Verona, whatever, oof.

My hotel. Stay there if you go to Selva. It was nice, the owner was nice, the breakfast was nice. What more do you want out of life?

The view from my hotel room. Humbug.

The town.

Selva from the Ski Lift

Mountains, fresh air, I’m over it.

I actually dozed off in one of these garden chairs, in my winter coat under a blanket. That was kinda special.

I, for one, am very happy you decided to make a post regarding this trip available to the general public because my life is now complete after seeing that last picture of sheer genius. Now I really, really need to go to the alps. Like you said in the earlier caption: Mountains, fresh air, I’m over it. Send me the goulashy food whilst sitting in one of those stools! π
though preferably the stool of modesty on the far left π
DANNY who are you? Your comments are about the only things that make this blog worth writing/reading. I thought the same thing about the stool on the left. She’s the librarian. Just look at those shoes!
Oh and with her feet apart like that, that’s definitely a librarian posture hehe. Who am I? haha well, I discovered your blog after seeing the House Hunters International episode and came to thoroughly enjoy your creative wit. And then I may have developed a small to medium sized interweb crush on you and therefore continued to look forward to future blog posts.
P.S. As cool as the Alps sound, I think your rooftop terrace is even more badass and I made it a life goal of mine to have one somewhere around the time I saw your episode of HHI. (Judging by what could be seen through the T.V. screen)
P.P.S. You must know me to some extent if you know I go by Danny! haha
The “Danny” in your email address was my first clue!
Haha oh yeah, I didn’t even make the connection. That Magnum PI terrace must rubbing off on you.
You’re right, if the Alps is Sherlock Holmes, my terrace is Magnum PI.
A small-to-medium-sized interweb crush on MOI? As we say in Tennessee, Well I DOOOOO declare! I’m actually a huge nerd and in the days or weeks between blog posts I eat tuna out of a can standing over my sink, and wishing I had old-school Oregon Trail loaded into my Mac. If that sounds good to you, heaven help both of us.
Ah I see now! The tuna is the brain food behind your creative wit! Haha. Oh! To give you another clue about who I am, I live very close to the end of the Oregon Trail & Columbia River! Seattle area to be exact, so I have a lot of familiarity with that old-school game π
I have been obsessed with Oregon Trail for like 30 years, which is weird since I’m only 22. Omg. When you’d come across an abandoned wagon and search it and find playing cards. omgomgomg.