That thing behind me isn’t a game of Tetris of Jinga, it’s an acoustics optimizer for the room. I would like it in my place for aesthetics and to drown out the screaming neighbors.
Friends in Rome, or coming to Rome, with rock star or internet fame aspirations, this one is for you!
A couple of fellow blogger girlfriends and I had the best time the other day, recording radio/internet spots to promote our blogs and various social media presences. We met at Scene Music Studio, which is right by the Vatican (in my old neighborhood, Borgo Pio) and surrounded by some of my favorite bars and cafes.

If we look enraptured by the Scene Music Studio staff, it’s because we were.
When you walk through the door, though, you leave old, cobblestoned Rome behind you and enter into what seems like L.A., or even better, Nashville (my hometown, y’all)! Leather couches, state-of-the-art equipment and acoustics, and moody lighting that makes you feel like you’re a real musician – even if you’re just a nobody like me. The owner is Fabrizio Greco, a musician, producer, sound designer, and, I discovered, a former lawyer (!), and all around cool guy.
Oh! And the engineer who handled the recording and post-prouction speaks PERFECT English after working in the business in Los Angeles for several years. If you don’t speak fluent Italian but want to contact this place for any reason, there is no need to worry.

Taking as much of the nasal sounds out of my voice as possible.
The three of us recorded spots advertising our blogs, and the guys at Scene were not only professional but also gentlemen, letting us start over as many times as necessary, and not making fun of us at all for our stuttering and “um… uh….” They really made us feel comfortable.

I very intentionally didn’t tell anyone this at the studio, but I used to play the drums for kind of a long time. But I am guessing it is NOT like riding a bike. But what a gorgeous set!
So, without further ado, here’s a video-of-the-audio of my radio spot! I have never liked the way my voice sounds in recording, but who does, right?
So besides wanting to share this shameless self-promotion, I wanted to let you guys know about this place in case you’re in Rome and need anything recorded. Music, dubbing, audio for your website or blog, or audio mixing and mastering for your videos.
WHERE: Via Alberico II 1, Roma.- Tel. +39.06.6880.4290
WEBSITE: http://www.scene-music-studio.com/en/
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