Some recent Random English, seen around Rome. If you like Random English, or have nothing better to do, click here for some more funsies. Thanks to Brock Amhurst for the tips!

Hip Hop Night! Camouflage! FREE ENTRY!!!!
Forget the Random English here… Camouflage at a Hip Hop night?

This is sounds like how I talk when I don’t know the word in Italian.

Wait, what are my two options again?
These are hilarious!
It was great to meet you at the San Anselmo last night. Will follow your blog and on Twitter. I’m @Whitesky60
Hiya Kathryn! Loved meeting you too. I can’t wait to read your blog and tweets. And to see you again in Europe soon!!
Thanks! Some are better than others… the point isn’t really “bad translations,” but rather when English words appear randomly in the middle of a bunch of Italian, meant for Italians. Often expressions in English that are totally made up!